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Guide Registration

How it works



Guide Registrationページから名前、メールアドレス、などを登録します。

ガイドさんが自分で決めたツアーのスケジュール、ツアー日程、内容、写真や動画などを含めた本登録をします。 1時間ごとの費用をガイドが自由に設定可能です。 (最低額1時間2,500円〜)事務局の審査、面接後、ツアー内容がAmida Tourウェブサイトに掲載され、検索可能となります。 (ガイド自身のための交通費などは別途請求がないため、それを踏まえてツアー費用を設定。)

Amida Tourウェブサイト、他の広報ルートから事務局が宣伝します。



ツアー実施後、ツアー費用の70%がガイドにPaypal を通して支払われる。 30%がAmida Tour手数料として差し引かれる。 (内訳:広告宣伝費 10%、ウェブサイト掲載費10%、事務局フィードバック費用10%。 事務局が勉強会やフィードバックのメールなどを通してツアーの質向上に努めます。) Paypalにかかる手数料はガイドさんの負担となります。


Guide Registration, Conducting tours, and Payment System

Please read the below before continuing to the registration page.

Tour guides register through the “Guide Registration” page, entering information such as name, email address, etc.

Guides post their tours, and upload their schedule, plans, photos, videos for future tours. Guides can set fees of their choice (minimum 2,500 yen per hour). After checking conducted by Amida Tour, and a short interview, tour content will be posted on the Amida Tour website. There will be no separate payment for transportation costs, etc. for the guide, so please keep in mind when setting tour fees.

Amida Tour will advertise the tours using the Amida Tour website and other means.

Once reservations occur, and payments are made, tours are confirmed. (Please only post dates where you are sure you can work as a guide)

Guests are billed the tour cost + 8% Japanese sales tax.

70% of the tour fees are paid to the guide using Paypal. 30% is paid to Amida Tour as a handling fee (includes advertising fee 10%, website listing fee 10% and feedback fee 10%, where Amida Tour will provide feedback to tour guides and provide advice to improve the quality of tours.) Paypal handling fees will be charged to the guide.

Monthly cycle of payment. Every month, tour fees for tours conducted until the 25th will be paid on the 10th of the next month.

Criteria for posting tours on website

In evaluating your tour, we will use the following criteria.
We will make sure that the tour description has:

We will contact you about tours using this.
Password must be at least 6 characters.
Contact Information
Self introduction

Upload a photo

Optional, up to 3. Face should be clearly visible.

Please upload a self-introduction video of about 1 minute in length, introducing yourself to your potential guests with the language you plan to conduct your tours in. (You can use two or more languages in one video if you wish)

Video must not exceed 100MB
- or -
Link can be anything you want (youtube link, dropbox link etc...)